
///life lessons///

for all i care, this reads 'ahead stop.'

those lights on your dash mean nothing. hell, my check engine light has been on for almost a year now [it goes on and off as it pleases].. and a new light just joined it. apparently the brake pads need changing [EVEN THOUGH I JUST CHANGED THEM A COUPLE WEEKS AGO]. i think they're really just little christmas lights for your car..

"just because it's winter, don't mean you ain't gotta shave yo' legs."
[i'd throw up an image, but that's gross.]

the song 'i'm horny' by t mousse was a hit in new zealand for a bit in 2001. google images gave me this..

hipsters could be the new ravers. instead of happy hardcore and ecs, it's electro and coke.

and in manila, it's all music with every drug.

i really need a new camera. i'm gonna get the casio ex-s880 cos i'm a loyal customer. their credit card ex-s2 camera was my first digital.. yes, the one that doubled as an mp3 player! back when i was cool enough to fill it with blackstreet, xzibit, kylie, and j.lo. so cool so cool. then i was given the ex-z500 in hot pink. no one has that shitt! but it's dying now, so i have to move on again.. the moral of this story is: BE LOYAL [..and you will get nothing in return].

EDIT: i went to best buy earlier and checked out the camera selection. fuck the ex-s880, i want the sony t70 [friggin' touchscreen WHAT].

ew, tech fiend.

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