

-joemski said, on humidifiers, "i just bought one. you should totally buy one. mariah carey has one."

this one by: lightair. i'm SOLD.

-helena said, to me and others, "i quit smoking and drinking. ..for one month."

which pretty much means no going out and partying. ..for one month.

-alvey said, on nice skin, "drink lots of water and smoke cigarettes."

i only drink lots of water when i have a horrid hangover. i got the cigarette-smoking part down, though. ok, in searching via google for an image of "water and cigarettes," the web results gave me this article.. whatthe. ?! anyway, i absolutely adoreee cigarette ads that show people doing extreme sports. they are so great.. so the greatest visual oxymoron, that is.

-and i said, to my brother, "LDRs* are the new LBD**."

*long distance relationships
**little black dress

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