"As human beings we play follow the leader, but there's no leader. We're all pretending that we know what life is all about, where life is going, where this country's going, & where the war is going. We all wanna pretend that we know this is a great candidate, or this is a great direction for our country. But the reality is we know so little it's shocking, about everything, about our past, about what life is. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? We're just going through it & no one wants to stop & say, "What is this? I feel untethered but still connected to everything all the time. I'm driving this fuckin' metal box with rubber wheels over these mountains" & don't even think about the fact that this fuckin' planet is just flying around the sun, & then sometimes those things collide. There's the theory of Earth 1 & Earth 2. The Earth 1 is that that's how the moon was created--we were hit with another fucking PLANET?! Like woahhh, a fuckin' PLANET's comin' at you. That's real, that's real shit."
"So what do you think's gonna happen in 2012?"
"We're building toward some sort of an event. Whatever it is, I don't know. Whether it's a conscious event, whether it's a physical event, like the actual planet's gonna go through an event, or whether or not those things are all connected. I mean, that's a very real possibility too, the idea of the Earth is this living organism just like we're living organisms. The Earth is one too, & it's aware of all this & any changes & maybe it's intelligent & it's evolving its intelligence. Maybe it's evolving just as we're evolving technology. Maybe the Earth is evolving its consciousness. Maybe it's a constant process for everything, not just human beings but for maybe the planet itself. It's very possible. I mean, who's to say it's not? Just because it can't express itself in English language or through something that we can stick into a DVD player, that doesn't mean it's not conscious."
"I heard about you from this radio thing you did about DMT experiences.."
"At one point in time during the trip, my brain went to a bad place, I started thinkin' negative. Like maybe I was worried about this being dangerous & maybe I'm gonna die. There was a moment where everything went dark. It got real weird, & all the patterns changed to this dark black & dark green color. It was like a warning. & then I realized.. that I just said to myself: 'no, this is all bullshit, just relax, relax, you're just creating negativity for no reason, just relax' & when I thought that & when I gave up & when I gave into it.. *boooogh* everything exploded in beauty again, insane beauty all around me, instantly. & I was like OH MY GOD, that's the answer, that's literally LIFE. Literally, negative thinking & positive thinking defined to me, explained to me in this beautiful show. It changed me forever, & I'll never look at anything the same way again. I know there's tangible proof, to me at least from my experience, that energy is real.. that postitive & negative energy & that love is real, that the connection that all human beings have is real. It's a real thing. We just can't quite feel it all the time. We can't write it down on paper & quantify it. We can't put it in a package & you open it & there it is, but it's still real. There's some sort of crazy connection."
- Joe Rogan.