

[From Facebook]

25 [Degrees, Roosevelt Hotel, Los Angeles].

I either do things last minute or extremely late. I'm not a winner, truthfully.

0. Only remembering through photographs, comical reminders.
1. Underlining excerpts I fancy in books I am reading, with a pencil.
2. Watching fashion shows on silent and doing my own commentaries, then re-watching with sound.
3. Sleeping and waking on Manila time, whether I am in Manila or not.
4. Having only plans of future jetsetting, nothing else.
5. Drawn to long distance relationships, I'm all about foreigners.
6. Creating numerous blogs, about nothing in particular.
7. That bulimia wherein one eats a fuckload one day then absolutely nothing the next couple days, and so on and so forth.
8. Never fully unpacking my suitcases after coming home from a long trip abroad, mental disorder of sorts.
9. Always starting and stopping school, perhaps a huge flaw.
10. Wishing for a Telephone Company Loft with the amazing architecture to be free, come July.
11. Hoping for a Barcelona Birthday next month and more Europe during the summer, never before been.
12. Missing Ethan more than any of you others, sometimes I forget.
13. Dissapointed with self over this month's $469 phone bill, hello strict internetworking.
14. Only ever needing to do laundry once a month, in reality.
15. No longer a "player" and I'm not even joking - mama told me off.
16. Finally learning morality, yup.
17. Slowly learning happiness, yup.
18. Turning twenty-three this year, minus six.
19. Liking them artsy and older, but not too old.
20. Kissed straight boys, straight girls, gay boys, and gay girls.
21. Useless at saving, hating on bank schemes.
22. Addicted to Diazepam, even when I'm not.
23. Not as fashion-savvy as you think, mathematics are probably more me.
24. Good at most things, but never a specialist.
25. Still dreaming of TNT - insidely-cryptic, don't even try.

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