
///march: blazed daze///

march is my month. the fourteenth is my birthday. seventeen will be my age. here's a recap of the past week or so..

before the 1st [on february 28th], i helped my friends mikko and joseph move out of their westside apartment [mentioned in a previous post]. i played on their laptops, drew on their boxes, and helped carry small things [which were actually still pretty heavy for me cos i suck and my entire body ached for the next three days].

i went to v2o that same night [saturday], rocky was djing and i met up with rachel and gina who came up from irvine.

as much as it revolts me, i ended up eating jack in the crack for my post-clubbing-vomit-inducing meal. it sucked, but i still ate it. the cheap lemonade always quenches my drunken dehydration, though, so i guess that part's a-ok..

evidently, i also went to area at one point. and, evidently, i am running out of dresses so i ended up wearing one of my old cut up vintage finds from thank you mart [the $3.99 store in westwood]. whatevs, at least i didn't look like everyone else.. [but instead like a 12-year-old girl that got lost].

last thursday, after a trip to kinko's [so helena could print out some headshots].. archrival was having their alter ego show where local artists painted pieces in styles completely different to their own. bumped into several people that i had not seen in ages which was lovely. although there was free flowing white wine, beer, assorted cheeses, grapes, and even shrimp at the show.. helena and i's hunger was still not satisfied so we went across the street to ebisu and ordered the BOAT. the menu says it's good for two, but it's more like good for FOUR. whatevs, we ate half that night, took the rest home and ate the other half the following day.

joseph and i met up with crackhead rachel and cutesie sally this past friday at green door where the doorman was a complete and utter fucktard.

doorfag: whose list are you on?
me: i'm not on any list.. i'm here with george, he's the owner.
doorfag: -laughs in my face- no he's not. [insert random name here] is the owner.
me: uhm.. ok......
doorfag: i'll let you in and he has to pay $20.
me: [knowing there isn't supposed to be a cover charge.. EVER] um. we'll just wait, i'm gonna make a call. [so i call george and he says he's gonna come to the door.. two minutes later, he comes]
girl at door [to doorfag]: it's george! hi, george! he's the owner, you guys!
doorfag: -look of embarassment and stun on his stupid-ass face-
george [to me]: -hug- who are you with? -walks us both in for free-

anyway, after the club closed and i was on the freeway home, rachel calls. her car has been stolen. so i turn around and go back. she's freaking/stressing out for an hour and is about to make a police report, et cet.. then she says we should go up to the top floor and second check to see if she just forgot where she parked.. we go up the elevator, she looks directly across saying it was RIGHT THERE. i turn around and look at the other side of the parking lot, "ummm, rachel? what color is your car again? ..isn't that it right there on the OTHER SIDE???" c-r-a-c-k-h-e-a-d. i knew it wasn't stolen!

across from the parking structure, there's this bookstore. it's on ivar. i really want to go there one day. i love art books. i also want some coffee table books on the world's best hotels.. i am sooo into hotels. ugh.

on sunday, richard drove up from san diego cos he wanted to go shopping. we got stoned, went to melrose, la cienega, the beverly center, the grove, the roosevelt, ihop, and walgreens.
i always find this really really fucking weird - along melrose, there's this dude that sets up these stands of huge stuffed toy tigers at the corner of the gas station. but, WHY THERE???

something else unusual i saw - someone tagged this on a rubbish bin:

my reaction to the ACURA with LAMBO DOORS we saw while waiting for our car at the beverly center valet [lolzzz]:

on the way to the grove, daylight savings made 5pm into 6pm and the museums had already closed [lacma and petersen automotive museum]. booo.

i took touristy photos at the grove [which is like the disneyland of shopping centers].

while waiting for 8:20pm to come 'round so i could finally watch confessions of a shopaholic [lolz], we grabbed some soy coffee at barnes & noble and browsed the bookies.

waiting for our car at valet, leaving the grove, we saw the dopesttt car ever [a trillion times better than the lambo doored acura]. AKA my new motivation to do well in life.

then we went to twenty five degrees at the roosevelt in hollywood for dinner. i love the waiters there. i got the gourmet tomato soup and grilled triple cheese sandwich combo.

yeh, this meal was quickly followed up by ihop for our sixteenth meal of the day or something. and i don't know why i was dressed like a 'hey little mami/why you dress so funky' o_O

later when i got home, i listened to my new vinyl - yup, i finally bought the lykke li album. i need to fix the sound cable on my sony turntable.. cos i don't think this portable vestax one is going to hold up any longer. the needle is FUCKED.

well that was lengthy. /end.

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