

pirate leg & i'm alone
it's just me, me inside this head
a sparkling third eye sparkles hellos at the skies
clouds crash into buildings
while i crash imaginary cymbals
symbolic snares sneering at my flares
bellbottomed, no toes
peeling to new
neutral news! we're almost there
at the peak where we started
young all over again
& getting younger
a youthful look for the blundered
like thunder that scares in the dark
this is an age with no sun
& i miss it
does it miss me?
blue cubed suns rise in my eyes
beneath a darkened lid, awoken
blue to purple to white
a green lilypad to pat down my tears
dampened, softened, fluttering
to the ends of my lashes
hanging on till the next song
the melody, a malady
'marish, unbearable
but i'm stable still
i'd see through the rubble, the wrinkles
till a single star twinkles
it winks at me
like it knew me
& we share a thought, or three
an ink dripping tree
with a thousand arms so intricately entwined
they form middlenight sky
aurorian aura
an aural rainbow
a dual bliss
undo all beliefs
be leaf be root be stem become!
be to be what be
Untitled 2008
Jackie Tileston
Ditch Plains NY Sunrise 6:34am
Eric Cahan
Summer Two
Jamie Drake
Rob & Nick Carter
Jamie Drake
Theory of A Cloud 2008
Jackie Tileston

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, it's beautiful! ...and Cocorosie is my favorite band in the world!
